About KAM Healthcare
KAM Healthcare Group is first and foremost a professional hearing health care group specializing in providing high performance audiological equipment, hearing instruments and professional hearing services to the hearing impaired. With a determination to upgrade hearing to a perfection comparable to that of a healthy ear, KAM Healthcare group has made innovative and signifant changes to its products, hearing services and technical procedures for customers from China, Macau, Hong Kong and other countries from he Asia Pacific regions.
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- Healthcare Services
No child is ever too young for a hearing test
A hearing loss, if go untreated, may result in speech defects, communication, learning and behavioral problems. Our professional audiologist provides hearing assessment services to all age groups including infants, toddlers and young children with autism, behavioral problems, speech delay and handicaps.
More about KAM Healthcare Services
- Hearing Solutions
About Hearing Loss
According to a survey conducted recently, nearly 10% of Hong Kong residents have certain degree of hearing loss, which include seniors, adults, children and even new born infants.
Hearing loss in adults has many causes such as middle ear infection, head injury, tumors, viral infection in the inner ear and over-exposure to noise. The most common cause is, however, normal aging process.
More about Hearing Loss
Types of hearing loss
There are two main types of loss:
Conductive loss: Anything that prevents sound waves being transmitted to the inner ear may result in a conductive hearing loss.Sensorineural loss: Damage to the cochlea or the auditory pathways to the brain can cause permanent hearing loss.
More about Hearing Loss in Adults
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